Because this blog is discovered only by the most exclusive few, here's the link to the secrets of spontaneously expanding one's quivering entangled vibrations:
Because this blog is discovered only by the most exclusive few, here's the link to the secrets of spontaneously expanding one's quivering entangled vibrations:
Posted at 10:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
[From our Abecedarian blog.]
Whether or not we define ghosts as living memories that share the circulations of our bodies (though why not?), we are all of us, no matter how skeptical or credulous, haunted. We are perhaps more haunted and overburdened by ghosts than we care or dare to face. But there are physical tools, not merely placebos or talismans, not devices of the imagination, that verifiably repel ghosts, disenchanting us from oppressive hauntings. Advertisers and major corporations employ such tools to magnetically draw clients, dispelling the old ghosts so as to clear the way for new charms and jingle-borne incantations. Yet anyone can wield these tools to battle restless nights with ever-greater peace of mind.
Posted at 10:56 PM in ghosts | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: ghost, haunted, tim powers
We're reading the latest Tim Powers novel, Alternate Routes, (about people who can see ghosts, about spirit radio communications, and about how there are at least dozens of people in Los Angeles who are alive). Speaking of ghosts … we once (and just did again) tried to track down who our granddad's so-called imaginary friend was. We know only the name of the friend: "Reedus Otis" (spelling guessed at). That name, with various spellings, turned up nothing clear online. We also tried switching the names, as "Otis Reedus" sounds more likely. There are quite a few of those, but the genealogy sites now require paid subscriptions to view their data, and all we can tell from the teaser results is that the Otis Reeduses in the databases weren't from my granddad's home state but rather from the next state over (my granddad's town was right on the state line, so being one state over is not necessarily a deal breaker). So … without being able (without paying these sites) to see if any Otis Reeduses died around 1918, we're still left in the dark. But some weirdness, just the same: in one of our web searches, Google delivered "no results" but recommended some possible hits anyway, the third one being titled: "The Walking Dead recap." Then, trying the spelling "Retis Otis," we got only two results, obvious spam/computer-generated (some sort of scam for seeming to deliver a hit and then redirecting to something wholly unrelated to the search term), but the random nonsense text in the results still seemed intriguing. One said, "Retis Otis intertwines, its very pure enthroned." The other said, "Retis Otis phosphorizing, its reif looted relentlessly tireless." We suppose that "reif" could be short for "reification," in the sense of being made real, which would suggest that the Retis Otis spirit exists as a form of light, a phosphorescence, unable to reincarnate because its "thingness" (from the Latin root of "reify") is incessantly being stolen. (By what entity or process? We hardly dare to enquire.) The picture of Retis Otis "intertwining" also rings true, in the sense of a close friend/bosom-buddy's intimacy. Is the spirit's "very pure[ity] enthroned" or is it "very pure[ly] enthroned"? To be enthroned is to be installed as a ruler, which rings true in the sense of a spirit guide being assigned to a corporeal entity. Who knows?!
Posted at 01:22 PM in ghosts | Permalink | Comments (0)
Here are my secrets for landing a major book deal, even if you don't have a best-selling idea, weren't born into the right families, and don't work very hard:
Posted at 06:41 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Trump L’Oeil Tarot of Portmeirion is an exciting Tarot experiment that cannot be missed in your deck collection. It’s an invitation to delve into those elements that day by day challenge us to think about the coincidences that manifest the archetypal energy contained in the world of men. Do you dare to find the archetypes that govern your life? You can see them in Portmeirion, that’s for sure.
Some additional snippets from the review:
Any tarot deck is a journey, but Trump L’Oeil Tarot of Portmeirion represents an adventure of multiple nuances and layers. In this card set, you will find a photographic trip through the streets of Portmeirion, a small but very peculiar Village located in the north of Wales. ...
Craig Conley, the author of Trump L’Oeil, is a multifaceted artistic documentarian, with a passion for literature, arts, photography and, of course, Portmeirion. Conley is dedicated to spiritual growth, transformation, and study from the most diverse perspectives. In some sense, his personality is as baroque as that of Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, the visionary who built Portmeirion. With great achievements in the world of music and technology, this hard working artist was captivated by the charm of Portmeirion village and fell into the psychic spell of the archetypes that abound in its streets. ...
Walking through Portmeirion inch by inch we will find those little miracles of the collective unconscious that let us glimpse the depth of Jung’s research. Each corner holds a powerful relic that immediately takes us back to think about a Major trump and its important guidance towards personal enrichment. The statue of a cherub on the verge of falling from a cliff is one of the most touching and impressive interpretations that we can confer to the Fool Major Trump. Usually portrayed as an older man being chased by the intuitive dog that protects him, we can easily connect with the erratic energy of this little angel who sloppily throws himself into the world of mortals in a decision that could change his life, isn’t that a perfect analogy for our dear Fool? Of course, the Magician cannot be other than Sir Williams-Ellis, the alchemist who took all the elements at his disposal during a construction and reconstruction process that took him 50 years to complete. The minor Trumps are symbolized in relation to the elements with which they have traditionally been associated.
The deck is also available at GameCrafter. Look inside the book over at Amazon.
From our Abecedarian blog:
There's a weird magick hack you can use to discover more favorite music. You've heard the Faustian stories of musicians like folk legend Robert Johnson who stood at a crossroads and sold his soul to the devil for guitar-playing prowess. Well ...
Posted at 08:53 AM in music | Permalink | Comments (0)
Here's our proof that we are all ghosts:
In the video, we illustrate our proof through Papa Emeritus, leader of the Swedish doom metal band Ghost, who presents as a zombie anti-pope but is in fact something else. In the 1930s, the same era that Ghost's Meliora album evokes, Portuguese philosopher Fernando Pessoa said that "We are death. This thing we consider to be life is just the sleep of a real life, the death of what we truly are. The dead are born, they do not die. The two worlds have been switched. When we think we are alive, we are dead. Let us live while we are dying." That same year, the thrice-great Charles Fort also theorized that spiritualists were correct but in reverse— that when spirits die they become human beings. Fort said, "Once upon a time, we were real and alive, but we departed into this state we call 'existence'. We have carried over with us from the real existence, from which we died, the ideas of Truth—ideas that really meant something when we were really alive, but that now, in our phantom-existence—which is demonstrable by any X-ray photograph of any of us—can have only phantom-meaning. So, then, our never-ending, but always frustrated, search for our lost reality. We come up chimera and mystification, but persistently have beliefs, as retentions from an experience in which there were things to believe in." Fort didn't go so far as to say that all of us are directly ghosts: most of us may be the descendants of those departed from a real existence, who, in our spook-world, pseudo-propagated. A hundred years earlier, in the 1830s, the Scottish writer Thomas Carlyle noted that a ghost is a spirit that has taken corporal form and appears for a while among men. And so the multitudes at Papa Emeritus' concerts are themselves ghosts--spirits that have taken corporal form briefly and then disappear. What is anyone if not a ghost? Papa Emeritus is like a magic mirror that reflects you, and the skull face is your own death. He's not a zombie anti-pope, unless, of course, you are yourself. But what a blessed implication, that we were once real and alive, or at least perhaps one of our ancestors once was. To the pseudo-phantoms out there, shadows several-times removed from reality, keep reaching for something to believe in.
Posted at 09:23 PM in ghosts | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: charles fort, doom metal, ghost, papa emeritus
A vintage fortune-telling weight scale -- its penny vault unlocked for the first time in years or even decades. Can you guess how many pennies will cascade out? Or how many rare coins will be among the loot? All the surprising details are revealed, along with some mind-bending esoteric secrets of copper pennies.
If you'd like the machine to tell your own fortune, leave a penny in Prof. Oddfellow's tip jar and he'll send you a snapshot of the answer that comes up:
Posted at 11:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
There’s one parlor that’s more exclusive than the Houdini Seance Chamber in Hollywood's Magic Castle. And through our network of masked contacts in arcane circles, we came into possession of previously uncirculated blueprints and photos of this parlor. As this room is filled with age-old secrets, we thought to analyze it through the sage-colored glasses of ancient Chinese necromancy, as detailed in Seance Parlor Feng Shui. And we discovered more than a few surprises. See our article and photos on our main website, here.
Posted at 11:57 PM in necromancy | Permalink | Comments (0)